Tag Archives: zip lining

High Ropes course…no supervision necessary


We heard about this cool high ropes and zip lining course not far from our house. I called to make an appointment to go…there really was no need because we were the only people there.

Just outside of Belem is Adventure Park. It is set in a forest that has loads of walking trails running through it. We pulled up and there was a wooden building where we went into pay.
You can buy a pack of passes that allow you multiple entries, but I wanted to make sure the kids liked it first. We have a place like this near our cottage in Ontario, Canada but it is crazy expensive and I never let the kids go. Every summer they ask and every summer I say no. When I told them they were going to the high ropes course here, they were shocked.
At our cottage, it costs about $150 for an hour of zip lining and treetop adventures . What do you think it cost in Portugal? How about €12.50 or $15. What? Really? Yes, really.

The kids are put in a harness but are given no helmets. That made me a little anxious, especially since they were so high off the ground.  They had to pull the rope that kept them safe with them.  There were a few cases where they got tangled up and I was sweating from 30 feet below.  However, they figured it out.  Alone.  They had a guide who was up in the trees with them, but he was just there to keep an eye on them.  Better than nothing.

The course included loads of different obstacles   and ended in a zip line from the trees to the ground.  Absolutely impressive.

The kids were champs.  Pippa did look extremely nervous at the beginning.  She constantly brags about being a junior Nik Wallenda…world famous tightrope walker.  Instead, unlike Nik, she grabbed hold of the ropes and never let go.  She didn’t trust the harness.  The cool part was that they got to do two loops of the course and by the end she was a rock star…no Nik Wallenda though.  Maggie was in heaven, even zip lining upside down.

I continue to be amazed at all of the awesome things to do Portugal.  Awesome and cheap…what could be better.

View of the monkeys above our heads….