Good News.

A month after my surgery, I received the news I wanted…I am clear of cancer. The preliminary report looked good, but because my doctor is the best, he sent my slides on to a Johns Hopkins melanoma specialist and he confirmed that the margins around my surgery are clear.

I am unbelievably grateful. I feel such a huge sense of relief. God is good and I cannot even begin to express my gratitude to the legions of people who prayed for me and reached out to me.

I will continue to need follow up care, just to be on the safe side….but today is a good day. Today I celebrate that I found the right doctor. Today I celebrate the I am well loved. Today I celebrate that I can grow old with the people I love. This has been an extremely stressful and scary time, but it was also a gift. It is wonderful to reflect on what is important to you and to be able to prioritize love.

“A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17